Sanità internazionale 15 Dicembre 2015 17:21

International healthcare

Being women and mothers in Italy

In Italy there are more than 1 million and 700 thousand foreign women of childbearing age from the whole five continents, often believing in different systems of values regarding sexuality and their role within society and family. A recent congress held by the Italian Society for Gynecology and Obstetrics (SIGO, Società Italiana della Ginecologia e Ostetricia) provides an overview underlining that only 20% of the 155 thousand under 20 foreigners who live in Italy underwent a gynecologic examination at least once, compared to 70% of their Italian peers. As for motherhood, the mothers’ average age is 29, against the 32 years of age of Italian women. Furthermore, in the hospitals of our country, one in five births, as well as 34% of abortions, are practiced by foreigners. About their origin, the study shows that 26% of women comes from the European Union and 25% from Africa, followed by Asia (18%) and South America (8%). Another interesting result of the study is that 13% of foreigners finds it difficult to explain their symptoms to a doctor in Italian. This is the proof that there is still work to do to ensure that their much advocated integration extends also to a trustworthy relationship with the host National health system.

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