Sanità internazionale 6 Dicembre 2016 13:19

Lung cancer: women mortality increases in Europe

The lung cancer is responsible for the huge number of deaths in France. It is mostly linked to the tobacco addiction and it is the most dangerous for men and the second one for women, with respectively 21000 and 9500 deaths. However, the Eurostat highlights a fall of death rate for men and an increase […]

The lung cancer is responsible for the huge number of deaths in France. It is mostly linked to the tobacco addiction and it is the most dangerous for men and the second one for women, with respectively 21000 and 9500 deaths. However, the Eurostat highlights a fall of death rate for men and an increase for women in Europe. Within the framework of the third Project about cancer 2014-2019, the French National High Authority for Health has the goal of detecting the cancer in smokers at an early stage, to make the treatment more effective. But the present situation shows that: the disease is hardly detected at an early stage because of its rapid evolution; the available exam is not suitable; treatment possibilities are extremely tight, also at an early stage; people who could take advantage of this exam are hardly identifiable; the mortality reduction is not assured in the French context; there are too many risks and few reliable benefits. The French National High Authority for Health concludes by saying that it is necessary to carry on the researches on the treatment, the disease characteristics and the detecting technics. It is also important to intensify the battle against the tobacco addiction with measures that increase awareness in young people and smokers to stop smoking.

Advocacy e Associazioni

XVIII Giornata europea dei diritti del malato. Contro la desertificazione sanitaria serve un’alleanza tra professionisti, cittadini e istituzioni

La carenza di servizi sul territorio, la penuria di alcune specifiche figure professionali , la distanza dai luoghi di salute in particolare nelle aree interne del Paese, periferiche e ultraperiferich...
Contributi e Opinioni

Giornata Infermieri. Testimonianze: “Chi va via, e chi ritorna…”

Rosaria ha accolto l’ordine di servizio arrivato a dicembre 2013. Ad accompagnarlo una frase: “Sono pazienti particolari, si prenda cura di loro”. Era il 2013 e Rosaria da allora non...

Diabete: presentate al Governo le istanze dei medici e dei pazienti

Dopo aver promosso gli Stati Generali sul Diabete, lo scorso 14 marzo, alla presenza del ministro della Salute, di rappresentanti dell’ISS e di AGENAS, FeSDI, l'Università di Roma Tor Ver...