Sanità 18 Ottobre 2016 16:09

The hospitalists on strike, after the United States it happens also in France

The hospitalists are protesting also in France. After the United States the transalpine doctors went on strike to claim protection and acknowledgments for their long working hours because the hospitals are under resourced. The doctors have stopped their work for a week, by carrying out only few programmed operations. «There is almost 30% of job vacancies […]

The hospitalists are protesting also in France. After the United States the transalpine doctors went on strike to claim protection and acknowledgments for their long working hours because the hospitals are under resourced. The doctors have stopped their work for a week, by carrying out only few programmed operations. «There is almost 30% of job vacancies for hospitalists. This situation worsen year after year. Working hours, which should be 48, become 60», one of the doctors says. The inter-union associations Avenir hospitalier and Confederation des praticiens des hôpitaux ask to the Government a better time management for the hospitalists and they think that 20% of the time should be invested in research. They ask a revaluation of the allowances of commitment to the exclusive public service and a better wage at the beginning and the end of career.

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