Sanità 4 Ottobre 2016 18:11

Measles virus has been eliminated in America but it is necessary to continue the vaccinations

America is the first continent to have eradicated measles. It has been announced by the Pan American Health Organization, an organism linked to the World Health Organization (WHO). A massive vaccine campaign lasted 22 years has allowed the virus elimination. «It is an important historic event», as Carissa Etienne said, the director of the Pan […]

America is the first continent to have eradicated measles. It has been announced by the Pan American Health Organization, an organism linked to the World Health Organization (WHO). A massive vaccine campaign lasted 22 years has allowed the virus elimination. «It is an important historic event», as Carissa Etienne said, the director of the Pan American Health Organization (PAHO). The measles has always been one of the main causes of child deaths in countries like Asia and Africa. Around 250000 people have been infected last year, with an average of 314 people dead every day. The last epidemic in America dates back to 2002 and it spread in Venezuela. However the warning is still strong: we need to continue the vaccinations to keep the eradication.

One Health

One Health, il premio “Ambassador” ad oltre cento professionisti della salute

Con la premiazione di 102 professionisti, tra medici di medicina generale, farmacisti e medici veterinari, e la diffusione del report conclusivo, volge al termine la prima edizione di “One Healt...
Advocacy e Associazioni

Nasce l’Intergruppo Parlamentare “Innovazione Sanitaria e Tutela del Paziente”

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Advocacy e Associazioni

HIV, è ancora emergenza: “Scarsa informazione, pochi test e tanto stigma”

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Uno sguardo alle patologie rare: storie di EPN

L’EPN è una malattia rara ancora poco conosciuta. Serve più formazione in questo campo. Ne parliamo con Antonella Sau, Ospedale Spirito Santo di Pescara, Giorgia Battipaglia, Azien...