Sanità 13 Ottobre 2015 12:00

International healthcare

A Junior Doctor’s life and pains

Hard times for European junior doctors, starting from England, where during these last weeks 53 thousands junior white coats have been stirring up a true insurrection against a contract renewal which seems not to honour promises, nor to meet their demands. With shifts of 90 hours per week and a wage reduction from 15% to 40%, it is easy to understand their outcry and the consequent threat for strike, although the Secretary of State for Health, Jeremy Hunt, declared his intention to revise such measures (“The Guardian”).  Italian physicians are not in a good moment as well: those who passed the entrance exams to specialisation schools still need to face a moment of strong uncertainty. With a turnover block and an inadequate allocation of resources, entering the work world once and for all seems to be a mirage. All in all, their French colleagues are the ones who have less reasons to complain about: as a matter of fact, the number of job positions offered in specialisations schools beyond the Alps matches the number of candidates, thus enormously reducing discrepancies between demand and actual requirements. Hence,those who manage to pass are effectively in.

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International healthcare
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