Sanità 27 Ottobre 2015 14:56

International healthcare

Where does the fear of vaccines lead to?

Italian politicians are dealing with an alarming decrease in vaccinations and so are the European ones. It appears that the current sprawling scepticism about vaccines for fear of alleged collateral effects originated in England in 1998, when The Lancet published a study ascribing the cause of autism to them. The author lost its license, the study was denied, but suspicion started creeping in. But let us go back to 2015. According to a survey carried out for the national Groupement de pharmaciens association, 74% of French citizens has no intention to vaccinate against the flu, as they consider it to be risky (22%) or useless (54%). This data is seriously worrying the Department of Health beyond the Alps. Nevertheless, all being well, the probabilities that drastic solutions as the Australian ones are adopted are really low: for example, on the other side of the hemisphere numerous State services and tax breaks are being revoked to those who do not vaccinate their children.

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