Sanità 31 Ottobre 2016 13:17

Continuing medical education, in France the physician teaches…the physician

A new platform to educate and share physicians’ expertise. MedTandem has been proposed in France by Elodie Baer and Lucie Beylacq, two anesthetists from Bordeaux, and it allows doctors to meet in order to accelerate teaching and learning traditional methods, without being obliged to join educational events. The initiative, exposed for the first time in […]

A new platform to educate and share physicians’ expertise. MedTandem has been proposed in France by Elodie Baer and Lucie Beylacq, two anesthetists from Bordeaux, and it allows doctors to meet in order to accelerate teaching and learning traditional methods, without being obliged to join educational events. The initiative, exposed for the first time in a congress in Paris at the end of September 2016, comes from the idea that doctors are not stimulated anymore by outdated teaching techniques. On the other hand, highly specialized physicians do not know how to transfer their knowledge to their colleagues. The platform represents the right compromise for both to exchange their know-how: the first experiment will be in November, an anesthetist from Paris will go to a clinic in Bordeaux to see an eye anesthesia under echography. Now Medtandem is limited to anesthesia, emergency medicine and orthopedics, but it counts to embrace other medicine branches by the beginning of 2017.

Advocacy e Associazioni

Nasce l’Intergruppo Parlamentare “Innovazione Sanitaria e Tutela del Paziente”

L’Intergruppo punta in particolare a sviluppare strategie di programmazione sanitaria che integrino tecnologie avanzate, quali l’intelligenza artificiale e dispositivi medici innovativi, e...
Advocacy e Associazioni

Amiloidoisi cardiaca: “L’ho scoperta così!”

Nella nuova puntata di The Patient’s Voice, Giovanni Capone, paziente affetto da amiloidosi cardiaca racconta la sua storia e le difficoltà affrontate per arrivare ad una diagnosi certa. ...
Advocacy e Associazioni

HIV, è ancora emergenza: “Scarsa informazione, pochi test e tanto stigma”

Medici, Associazioni e Istituzioni, a pochi giorni dalla Giornata mondiale contro l’Aids, tornano a parlare di HIV per ridefinire l’agenda delle priorità. Presentato “HIV. Le ...