Sanità internazionale 8 Novembre 2016 13:00

Brexit: access to new medicines at risk

The United Kingdom could see patients unable to access modern medicines if the “hard Brexit” will be applied, the exit of the United Kingdom from the EU. It has been warned by the report for think tank Public Policy Projects. “Hard” Brexit could see Britain pushed to the back of the queue for new drugs because […]

The United Kingdom could see patients unable to access modern medicines if the “hard Brexit” will be applied, the exit of the United Kingdom from the EU. It has been warned by the report for think tank Public Policy Projects. “Hard” Brexit could see Britain pushed to the back of the queue for new drugs because applications for new drugs from Europe – a market of 500 million people – could take priority over UK market, which counts only 65 million inhabitants.

«Science and science-based industry is a global activity and we face a simple choice: we either participate in full in that global scientific community or we prejudice a key British national interest» Stephen Dorrell, former Secretary of State for Health, wrote.

Advocacy e Associazioni

Mieloma multiplo. Aspettativa di vita in aumento e cure sul territorio, il paradigma di un modello da applicare per la prossimità delle cure

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di V.A.
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